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Student Spotlight

Baby Autism
Nayelie is scheduled to graduate with honors in Spring 2019 with her BS in Health Science and minor in gerontology. With the guidance of her mentors Dr. Behseta and Dr. Shahrestani, she is writing a journal article to publish the findings from research on the evolutionary trade-offs in D.Melanogaster.


Learn About Big Data

Baby Autism
Big Data: Biomedicine is collaboration with researchers at the Keck School to document their work to convey the magnitude of this issue. Produced in partnership with Shatterproof Films.


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Training Opportunity

Baby Autism
Faculty and students involved in the BD3-REAP program will substantively gain valuable expansion in knowledge and expertise in BDs through specific, invaluable training that incorporates BDs skills into their own fields and the new mentored-student research experience.



Baby Autism
Dr. Math Cuajungco receives the 2019 CSUPERB Faculty Research Award.


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CJHP Journal

Baby Autism
The Californian Journal of Health Promotion (CJHP) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed online journal on health education and health promotion practice, research, and teaching. This special issue contains articles from our BD3-REAP scholars and mentors.


Curriculum Highlights

Baby Autism
The 15 week course utilizes an applied approach to defining exploring, analyzing and summerizing Big Data in health with a focus on brain health and neurosciences.


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